07 Décembre 2015 – Séminaire TES, Yasushi Uchiyamada

13 h30 Amphithéâtre Fabre, campus Victoire

La faculté d'anthropologie et le laboratoire ADESS proposent plusieurs séminaires Temps, espace, sociétés. Pratiques rituelles, mise en mémoire et processus identitaires (TES) tout au long de l'année universitaire.

Yasushi Uchiyamada interviendra pour 3 séminaires TES au 1er semestre sur le thème général "How to follow transforming beings – an anthropological reflection"

Le thème de la conférence du jour "A becoming approach to divinity and caste in India"

The third lecture revisits a minor ritual of the Minakshi Temple in Tamilnadu which is known as the “coronation” from the perspective of Brahman priests of Minakshi, but the “marriage” from the perspective of the low-caste followers of Chellattamman. What are relationships between the high status goddess and the low status goddess? They are antithetical beings according to a Dumontian explanation. I propose an alternative transformative approach according to which the former could become the latter and the latter former. I shall then discuss the possibilities opened up by the approach that follows the processes of transformations/ mutations.  

Main Text:

Uchiyamada, Yasushi (2009) Who is Chellattamman? : Relational Divinity, Substantial Divinity and Metamorphous Beings. (unpublished conference paper)

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